Look for complete geospatial metadata in this layer's associated xml document available from the download link
* Metric Name: Biomass Residues (40% Thin From Below Treatment)
* Tier: 3
* Data Vintage: 08/2018
* Unit Of Measure: Imperial short tons per acre
* Metric Definition and Relevance: This raster layer represents forest residues for the state of California in 2018. It was developed by the Schatz Energy Research Center as part of the C-BREC (California Biomass Residue Emissions Characterization) model. The raster is based on the LEMMA (Landscape Ecology, Modeling, Mapping, and Analysis) group's forest state data for 2012, which was grown forward to represent residues in 2018 by NRSIG (Natural Resource Spatial Informatics Group) at University of Washington using FVS (Forest Vegetation Simulator).
* Creation Method: Pixel values are estimates of the total biomass residue generated by a 40% Thin From Below treatment, reported in imperial short tons per acre. The value for a given pixel is the sum of biomass estimates across all residue size classes (foliage, branches, logs 4-6" in diameter, logs 6-9" in diameter, and logs greater than 9" in diameter).
For more information on the C-BREC model, you can visit the following links:
* C-BREC tool webpage:
* C-BREC model background and use:
* Credits: Schatz Energy Research Center