Look for complete geospatial metadata in this layer's associated xml document available from the download link * Metric Name: Humboldt Marten Predicted Distribution * Tier: 2 * Data Vintage: 2020 * Unit Of Measure: 0 =not suitable, 1 = suitable, 2 = highly suitable. * Metric Definition and Relevance: This data layer has been developed by Moriarty et al. It was published in “Predicted distribution of a rare and understudied forest carnivore: Humboldt marten ( _Martes caurina humboldtensis_ ). The data represent the predicted current distribution of Humboldt marten, a subspecies of Pacific marten occurring in coastal Oregon and northern California. * Creation Method: Using Maxent species distribution models, the authors modeled Humboldt marten distribution, using marten locations collected between 1996-2020. They excluded locations occurring in areas that were modified by fire or timber harvest after the location data and before 2016 (date of their vegetation data). They estimated the relative probability of Marten presence. Unsuitable areas were those where the model performance was equal to or poorer than random chance, below 14% predicted suitability. Areas with 15-30% predicted suitability were defined as ‘suitable’, and with over 30% predicted suitability were defined as ‘highly suitable’. NA values within the Northern California region are areas not covered by the model. * Credits: Moriarty, et al. \--Moriarty, K.M., Thompson, J., Delheimer, M., Barry, B.R., Linnell, M., Levi, T., Hamm, K., Early, D., Gamblin, H., Gunther, M.S. and Ellison, J., 2021. Predicted distribution of a rare and understudied forest carnivore: Humboldt marten (Martes caurina humboldtensis). PeerJ, 9, p.e11670. Moriarty, K.M., Thompson, J., Delheimer, M., Barry, B.R., Linnell, M., Levi, T., Hamm, K., Early, D., Gamblin, H., Gunther, M.S. and Ellison, J., 2021. Predicted distribution of a rare and understudied forest carnivore: Humboldt marten (Martes caurina humboldtensis). _PeerJ_ , _9_ , p.e11670.