Look for complete geospatial metadata in this layer's associated xml document available from the download link * Metric Name: Percent Impervious Surface * Tier: 1 * Data Vintage: 06/2019 * Unit Of Measure: Percent Imperviousness * Metric Definition and Relevance: This National Land Cover Database (NLCD) product represents urban impervious surfaces as a percentage of developed surface over every 30-meter pixel of California, extracted from a nationwide layer. The definition of impervious means water does not seep into the ground, it runs off into storm sewers and then into local creeks. Examples of impervious surfaces include highways, streets and pavement, driveways, and house roofs. The relevance of impervious surfaces is the higher the proportion of impervious surfaces the more likely flooding can occur. * Creation Method: The NLCD 2019 design aims to provide consistent and robust methodologies for production of a multi-temporal land cover and land cover change database from 2001 to 2019 at 2–3-year intervals. Comprehensive research was conducted and resulted in developed strategies for NLCD 2019: continued integration between impervious surface and all landcover products with impervious surface being directly mapped as developed classes in the landcover, a streamlined compositing process for assembling and preprocessing based on Landsat imagery and geospatial ancillary datasets; a multi-source integrated training data development and decision-tree based land cover classifications; a temporally, spectrally, and spatially integrated land cover change analysis strategy; a hierarchical theme-based post-classification and integration protocol for generating land cover and change products; a continuous fields biophysical parameters modeling method; and an automated scripted operational system for the NLCD 2019 production. For information see [Data | Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics (MRLC) Consortium](https://www.mrlc.gov/data?f%5B0%5D=category%3AUrban%20Imperviousness) * Credits: National Land Cover Database (NLCD) \--US Geological Survey, Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center